Clay Parsons is a man with principles. He used to be greedy, self-centered, and ambitious, driven by his career with Cambarro Corporation. Clay was a real, regular company man, loyal to the employer that had his back for years. He climbed the corporate ladder, happy to throw others under the bus to make himself look better. He was the favored one, a real promising candidate to succeed the regional chief executive. And then he played his cards wrong.

He busted another man for embezzlement, and in return, the company shut him out. He wasn’t the golden child anymore, and he probably hadn’t been the candidate they wanted for a while. The company put pressure on him to resign. They inspected his work closely, harassed him, and threatened to kill him. Cambarro’s security followed him home daily. He received anonymous letters full of incriminating information of his. When he goes out, they still have their eyes on him.

He doesn’t think about corporate culture anymore. The new Clay is a run-down looking man who still tries to look nice. He hasn’t lost his selfishness entirely, and he’ll stick to helping people who have similar interests. He is quiet, bitter, willing to hear people out. He has intense negative feelings about his former employer.

Clay Parsons is a tired-looking businessman who is losing his thinning brown hair, but keeps a full mustache. He is BITTER, WISTFUL, and WILLING TO LISTEN. He always dresses nice, usually in a suit, or at least in a polo and slacks. He stays at home and does not leave his apartment, instead relying on friends to get groceries for him. 

He still has many, many connections, as his corporate partners know that what happened to him was just business. At this point, he knows that he could be killed if he pushes back against the company too hard, so he picks his battles carefully. He works behind the scenes, quietly supporting efforts against Cambarro Corporation. Clay just hopes that one day, he can live a public life again.

“As it so happens, I used to be somebody important around here. None of that really matters, though, not anymore. I’m still important to the same people, but it’s for the wrong reasons. It’s bullshit, all of it. Anyway, I used to be somebody. Functionally, I’m nobody now, so from one nobody to another, I can probably make it worth your while if we’re after the same kind of thing here.”
